Why systems matter in UX writing

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

When someone asks me what I think makes great UX writing, thinking in systems is the first answer on my list.

That’s because forming and thinking in systems equips UX writers to do their jobs with ease, efficiency, and effectiveness.

It’s a win-win for the UX writer and the end-user because we both don’t have to think as hard to achieve our goals.

Thinking in systems elevates your ability to hit on all the other traits of UX writing worth their salt, like conciseness, consistency, informativeness, etc.

If you don’t have UX writing systems in place today or don’t understand what I mean by saying I think in systems, keep reading, and hopefully I can convince you that UX writing systems are critical to the success of your product.

1. UX writing systems make life easier by simplifying processes and unifying the company

Audrey Hacq says it well in an article in UX Collective:

A Design System is the single source of truth which groups all the elements that will allow the teams to design, realize and develop a product.

Having that single source of truth makes UX writing a lot easier.

That’s because having set guidelines to follow minimizes the amount of time needed to think about whether there should be spaces between em dashes or if exclamation points are on-brand.

With all these rules set in stone, the development process is simplified, and all you need to do is execute with empathy.

And it’s not just UI patterns and buttons — content style guides, voice and tone guidelines, and glossaries make up an important portion of a design system. 

Additionally, by having a set of standards the entire company agrees on, you’ll shave off time in reviews and communications.

In the words of Arjun Narayanan, “Good design is a language, and when everyone is speaking the same language, that’s when things get done.”

2. UX writing systems build a holistic, consistent experience, building trust and equity

Your users shouldn’t notice the details.

Everything should be so seamless and consistent that users don’t need to read too hard to make out how to achieve their goal.

That’s where UX writing systems come in. 

By having established content frameworks and guidelines, your product will naturally be consistent. By increasing the consistency of your product, you’ll build a more holistic experience. By building a more holistic experience, you’ll create trust and brand equity by lowering the cognitive load.

When you lower the cognitive load of your product, it becomes easier to use and allows habits to form around said product. 

That builds retention for you and delight for your users.

3. UX writing systems allow your company to scale with intention

As your company grows, the design team will grow with it.

If you’re growing without established content guidelines set in place, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

You have inconsistencies right now. Everyone does. As you grow your product, the inconsistencies will grow alongside it unless something changes today.

The time to address those inconsistencies is now, and UX writing systems are the solution.

There’s no fear in building and thinking in UX writing systems — they can (and should) be constantly updated to make sure your frameworks and strategies are still relevant to your target audience. 

UX writing systems are living, breathing documentation that should evolve with your company.

With UX writing systems and systems thinking in place, everyone from your CEO to marketing intern will be equipped to write on-brand and continue to build consistency and equity within your product.

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out the following UX writing and content systems:

Need some help building out your own content systems? Email me, and I’d be happy to help you strategize how building and thinking in systems can transform your product experience.


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